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Our Alchemy

What effects can I expect?

What most users say who are excited to report back to us is that they feel lighter, clearer, freer, unburdened. People, and the world, begin responding to them in new and unexpectedly positive ways. Fears and destructive habits begin receding from their lives. Toxic relationships dissolve. Health improves. New opportunities and doors present themselves. Intuition increases – clairvoyance, clauraudience, knowingness, wisdom, discernment, powerful insights, epiphanies, huge breakthroughs in consciousness. Self love becomes something of a high priority in their lives. Material things lose their shine, and the spiritual path becomes far more prevalent, and views into deeper esoterica become available. An ever-increasing happiness is also often reported. And lastly, because these are bioconductive, they’ll raise the light flow in your entire body, which also means raising frequency.

The rest of this explains why this all happens.

To understand the effects, you have to know what we and our alchemy are about. Our alchemy is about what we’re about. The alchemist is the alchemy. What we’re about is helping human potential seekers, self-improvement students, those on the path to mastery, and so on, get clear of all programs, influencing patterns, and obsolete beliefs. Total freedom from all beliefs is the goal of the most determined and sincere holy people, and enlightenment isn’t even possible without doing that.

The subconscious mind contains 10,000 times the tendencies, subversive personality traits, and root causal patterns that rule decisions, perceptions and thus choices. What Sigmund Freud called the “id” is a container of much of that information, much of it tied to archetypal beings and personalities. All of these types of unconscious and subconscious phenomena can in fact cause people to make decisions that run counter to their true nature. They can be insurmountable stumbling blocks and pitfalls between you and the type of success you envision for yourself. They can cause people to choose the wrong partners, the wrong friends, reinforce addictions of all kinds, to manifest what you don’t want, prevent new doors and opportunities from presenting to you, and the list goes on. Getting rid of all that stuff also raises the frequencies, because so much of it is of the lower vibrations that are preventing forward movement.

To move with more purpose and determination into the coming paradigm shifts, that stuff has to go, and the only way to describe it in a word is purification. That’s what we excel at, like nobody does. We’re just very good at it. Purification refers to one thing: removal. In your core is a brilliant and pure light, a being that is autonomous, has its own purpose, functions powerfully in the world without your knowledge, and wants nothing more than to shine from within you. This is the true you, and it wants to become you. What prevents the shine is all the human stuff that has grafted onto it, surrounded it, and pervaded it. To allow that light, that being, to blossom within you and suffuse your every fiber and cell, you have to make room for it, and making room is the act of purification.

The proverbial bottom line, then, is how clear is the alchemist? It’s the most important question to ask. Because if the alchemist isn’t clear, he or she can’t clear you. And even worse, you’ll take on and absorb whatever lack of purity the maker of ormus or alchemy themselves are dealing with. Their crud becomes your crud. It’s really that simple.

The completely purified person is the age-old concept of the perfect union of matter with spirit, where the physical self operates to varying degrees within the mind of their own Metaself (what some refer to as higher self, but there are many higher selves). This is breaching into wisdom, power, glory, and it’s very like saying the less you there is, the more of the Infinite there is.

Having said all that, many of our users don’t care or even know about the automatic effects of becoming clear. They get it because they’re guided to get it, or they have their own agenda and want to use it for magical purposes, or ceremonies, or to manifest, or simply raise their frequencies.

We have anywhere between 25-30 alchemies around here, which you can check out in the navigation above. We mention this because some have more specific effects. Some are extremely high level substances. Those to the right are our no-brainer steps, which work incredibly well. I’ve been doing this for more than 20 years, and we’re known by the most aware to be the highest level there is. There is no best ormus. There is only the highest, or purest, ormus (or what we prefer to call “alchemy”). Best refers to what is best for the level of the person.

Important consideration: this isn’t a race. This is about purifying you in balance. If you remove too much too soon, imbalances can happen. The beauty of our alchemies is that they’re intelligent, self-aware beings, who can see what needs doing and how to do it. The moment you purchase it, pay attention, because it will begin its work. How could that be? Because these beings operate independently of time.

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